A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida. 


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Martin Shank                                      President

            Theodore Mena                                   Vice President

            Duane Holland                                    Secretary


            Also present were:


            Kenneth Cassel                                   District Manager

            William G. Capko                               District Counsel

            Dan Daly                                             Director of Operations

            Kay Woodward                                  District Accountant

            Jan Zilmer                                           Human Resources

            John McKune                                      District Consultant

            David McIntosh                                  Wastewater Department

            Ed Stover                                            Water Department

            Randy Frederick                                 Drainage Supervisor

            Steve Seigfried                                   Field Superintendent

            Cory Johnson                                      CH2M Hill

            Michael Bone                                      Lanzo Construction

            Steve Bone                                          Lanzo Construction

            Joe Brown                                           Lanzo Construction

            Rhon Ernest-Jones, PE                       IBI Group                              


            The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken during the March 19, 2012 CSID Board of Supervisors Meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Roll Call

            Mr. Cassel called the meeting to order and called the roll. 


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Approval of Minutes of the February 27, 2012 Meeting

            Mr. Shank stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the February 27, 2012 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor the minutes of the February 27, 2012 meeting were approved.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Audience Comments

            There were no audience comments.  Mr. Mena noted the meetings were moved to 6:00 p.m. to make them more accessible to the public.  Because there has not been a great deal of public participation the Board discussed having the meetings earlier.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the remaining regular meetings for Fiscal Year 2012 will be held at 4:00 p.m.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Lanzo Construction

·         Project Updates

            Mr. Brown reported the following:

·         Plant F is substantially complete.

·         The work lifts have been completed in the nano plant and the work is substantially complete.

·         The 12 inch line is underway.  The pipe is onsite.  The fittings are expected to arrive by March 22, 2012.

·         The Board reviewed the settlement agreement between Lanzo Construction and the District. 


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor the settlement agreement with Lanzo Construction was approved substantially to form with the work list to be attached once finalized


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Discussion of Document Request to CH2M Hill

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. McKune reviewed a list of documents and identified the ones needed by the District.

·         Work Authorization #63 is based on $15,000 previously approved by the Board for document retrieval.  It has been executed by Ms. van Ravenswaay and needs to be signed by the President. 

SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Consideration of Bids for Pump Station Bank Restoration

            The following was discussed:

·         Two bids were submitted:  Jackson Land Development, LLC. for $86,300 and Trio Development Corporation for $79,712.

·         Staff recommends awarding the project to Trio Development Corporation.  They previously performed satisfactory work for the District.

·         The project consists of restoring the bank, installing filter fabric and riprap work. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the pump station bank restoration project was awarded to Trio Development Corporation in the amount of $79,712.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                      Consideration of CH2M Hill Invoices

            The following was discussed:

·         This item was tabled at the February 27, 2012 meeting.

·         Mr. Mena asked Mr. McKune about CH2M Hill’s efforts to cooperate with the District. 

·         Mr. McKune confirmed CH2M Hill has been working diligently to finalize the work list in an attempt to get the project complete. 

·         Mr. Holland met with Mr. Johnson and Mr. McKune a couple of months ago.  He feels Mr. Johnson put forth a strong effort to work with the District. 

·         Mr. Shank noted a request was made for CH2M Hill to measure the Hydrogen Sulfide coming out of the plant and it has not been. 

·         Mr. Johnson stated they placed meters and they did not detect sulfide.  The raw water levels were sampled and compared.  They found an increase in sulfide in the membrane treated water, which is not possible.  There was little to no sulfide found in the tray aerators in the lime softening plant.  The sampling did not yield good results. 

·         Mr. Johnson will resample and submit information to Mr. McKune.

·         Mr. Shank asked how much it is going to cost to run the RO plant as opposed to the nano plant.  He wants to see if it is cost effective to change the membranes to a nano plant system.  Mr. Johnson will prepare a cost estimate between the two facilities. 

·         Mr. Shank asked how waters from both plants will mix together without a mixing tank. 

·         Mr. Johnson explained the water quality from the lime softening plant is compatible to the water from the nanofiltration plant.  The waters can be mixed in pipe and the ground storage tanks provide significant detention time for the waters to mix.  The lime softening train was originally going to be maintained as an emergency backup in case one of the membrane trains was down.  Installing a mixing tank for emergencies did not make sense in the original design. 

·         Mr. Holland asked when the transition to the nanofiltration system can take place.  Mr. Johnson stated it depends on the installation of the concentrate line and what the District wants to do with its disinfectants.  If the District wants to go back to chloramines, it will be a significant delay.  It can take four to six months to install an ammonium feed system.

·         Mr. Stover read an excerpt from the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.  “To obtain reproducible and meaningful result variables such as temperature, reaction time, chlorine dose and residual, PH must be controlled.”  Staff is not sure the variables were controlled when samples were collected.  Temperature readings were never recorded.  He feels the tests should be conducted by an independent third party and not done in-house. 


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the CH2M Hill invoice dated November 26, 2011 through December 30, 2011 was approved for payment.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Draft of Easement Agreement for Driveways – Approve as to Form

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. Cassel explained the District needs an approved standard easement agreement to be used for driveways.

·         District counsel will make minor changes to ensure it is a recordable document. 

·         Mr. Cassel requested the Board approve the agreement as to form and authorize the District manager and Director of Operations to sign routine applications without having to come before the Board for approval.  Any unusual scenarios will be brought before the Board for approval. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the easement agreement was approved substantially to form and staff was delegated to process routine applications.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                Staff Reports

A.                Manager

            Mr. Cassel provided the Board with an update on the TD Bank permit application. 

·         He met with the engineers working for TD Bank on this project to discuss drainage calculations required. 

·         A conference call will be held with representatives of Atlantic Crossings to discuss the possibility of them picking up additional surface area retention storage. 

·         Mr. Barnett provided updated plans. 

·         Mr. Shank expressed his displeasure at the way Mr. Barnett tried to submit changed plans at the meeting without prior submittal to the engineer reviewing the project. 


·         Monthly Water Break Report

·         Utility Billing Work Orders

The above items are for informational purposes only. 


B.                 Director of Operations

            Mr. Daly reported half of the camera work near Lift Station #1 is complete and the lines will be cleaned before the other half is done. 


·          Water

The following was discussed:

·         There was general discussion regarding the possible need of an IT technician for the nanofiltration plant. 


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor independent third party water quality testing will be performed.


·         It was recommended everyone concur on the methodology prior to testing. 

·         All the internal influent well lines were videoed last week, cleaned and re-videoed.  There were no major issues. 

·         Mr. Johnson noted the turbidity issue seems to be clearing on its own.


·         Sewer

There being no report, the next item followed.


·         Stormwater

There being no report, the next item followed.


·         Field

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. Frederick reported he is still waiting on confirmation from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for the triploid grass carp permit.

·         Mr. Seigfried reported the antennas are being installed at the lift stations.

·         Mr. Daly complemented Mr. Seigfried and his crew for their recent work. 


·         Human Resources

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. Shank requested a survey and/or analysis be done of employee benefits in other utilities to compare with the District.

·         Mr. Zilmer reported the annual company picnic will be held at Quite Waters Park on April 14, 2012.


            C.        Attorney

·         Lanzo Update

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. Capko did not have any additional items to report.  He apologized to the Board for providing them with the settlement agreement at the meeting.  He clarified it was just finalized in the afternoon.

·         Mr. Shank distributed a letter he drafted to Ms. Bogdenoff requesting an explanation for putting the District’s bill on hold.

·         Mr. Mena expressed his displeasure over Ms. Bogdenoff’s action.  He provided an article about redistricting and how it will affect Ms. Bogdenoff. 

·         Mr. Capko stated Ms. Bogdenoff will likely respond and have a meeting with the District.  He noted she never raised an issue on this bill.  One of the law firm’s partners, Ms. Killinger, has a good relationship with Ms. Bogdenoff and Ms. Bogdenoff was not forthcoming with her.  If a meeting is set up with Ms. Bogdenoff, Ms. Killinger will attend. 

·         Mr. Mena asked how much the District spent on legislation costs.  Mr. Cassel responded $45,000. 


D.                Engineer

·         Project Status Report

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. Johnson is finalizing the letter of substantial completion for the nanofiltration plant.  He issued the letters for Plant F for review and is waiting for comments.

·         Mr. McKune is working with Mr. Johnson on peripheral work such as disinfection of byproducts particularly with the wells. 


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                           Approval of February Financials and Check Registers

            Ms. Woodward reviewed the financials and reported the financial audit for Fiscal Year 2011 was filed on February 29, 2012, which is a month earlier than the deadline.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the financials were approved.


ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                  Supervisors’ Requests          

            Mr. Shank directed Mr. Cassel to put out an RFQ for a District engineer and welcomed CH2M Hill to submit a proposal. 


TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                     Adjournment

            There being no further business at this time,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. 




Kenneth Cassel                                               Martin Shank

Assistant Secretary                                         President